I once heard someone say, “Sometimes our ideals are so much better than our realities that it’s mind boggling.”
We believe God is going to change the present circumstances, we speak life and we trust that a breakthrough is coming yet we all have to live in the now. The day to day walk that at times bears no resemblance to the promise! I don’t understand it. Who would? The only thing I know is that Jesus is with us and He sits at the right hand of the Father making intercession for you and me. When life becomes more than you can handle if you listen you will hear the voice of our victorious Savior still saying to us all…Cast your cares upon me for I care for you!! The word CAST is very specifically placed. Cast means to throw or hurl; to throw off or away. There is a place of rest found only in Christ that allows us the astounding privilege of flying above the clouds, mounting up on wings of eagles and soaring above it all! At this moment my eyes may not see miracles but while I wait I choose to CAST off the worry, the fear, the anxiety and the chaos that wants to consume me and LIVE MY LIFE!!!! #castyourcaresonjesus